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Learning Opportunities

This Life Long Learning is what we are all about and we are so blessed to have a wonderful teacher in our midst with Pastor Christi

Confirmation Class

The time has arrived for Confirmation class to begin. Confirmation is usually taught for 6th grade. However, the 5th grade class is small, so I plan to include them.

What exactly is Confirmation? Confirmation is an intense study of the Bible, Lord’s Prayer, the Creeds (Statements of Faith), the Lutheran Church Doctrine (why we believe what we believe) and the Church Sacraments, Holy Communion and Holy Baptism. All of this will be accomplished utilizing “The Divine Drama” curriculum. Assisting with the class is Tim Stanton.

Confirmation will start on Sunday September 8 at 3:30pm in the lower level of Amazing Grace. All parents/guardians are invited and encouraged to attend all the classes, but this is not required. At our first meeting, we will review the teaching plan and expectations. At the conclusion of the first
session, each Confirmand will be required to sign the Learning Covenant.


Confirmation will meet whenever Kid’s Connect is scheduled to meet. Additionally, we will follow or mirror the school calendar.

The class/instruction time is very important; however, we will have fun and fellowship together. Please feel free to contact Pastor Christi with any questions, concerns or to discuss any part of the program. May God Bless us as we begin this learning adventure to increase our knowledge and strengthen our relationship with God.

Good Grief

Good Grief- Sharing and Caring Grief Group

What’s good about grief? Why talk about grief? Come explore with Pastor Christi

Date: Beginning Tuesday August 20 @ 09:30 am, continuing for about 11 weeks.

Meeting at Crossroads Education and Administration Building

Book – Good Grief by Granger E. Westberg

Suggested but not required: The Good Grief Journal and/or The Good Grief Devotional

A Review of Good Grief

For more than fifty years Good Grief has helped millions of readers, including NFL players and a former first lady, find comfort, understand their emotions, and regain hope after loss.

This classic text identifies ten stages of grief--shock, emotion, depression, physical distress, panic, guilt, anger, resistance, hope, and acceptance--but, recognizing that grief is complex and deeply personal, defines no “right” way to grieve.

Whether you are mourning the death of a loved one, the end of a marriage, moving to a new home, or other difficult life changes, Good Grief is a proven steady companion in times of loss and transition.

Responsible financial opportunities

Sunday August 25th


Stephanie Burke will join us to discuss legacy giving. She will do a temple talk at Amazing Grace and Crossroads. Then there will be a covered dish luncheon at Crossroads with a more in depth presentation on the ELCA Foundation.

Please put this on your calendar and plan on attending this informative and valuable financial education opportunity.

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